チョキでグーに勝ちたいロマンチスト。フリーランスエンジニアから写真家・起業家へキャリアシフト。ソフトウェア設計、B2B / コミュニティマーケティング、ビジュアルプロデュースを掛け算して、自社経営をはじめ、外部顧問としてビジネスデザイン領域や事業戦略設計の支援、フォトグラファーとして広告写真制作やプロデュースなど浅く広くお仕事しています。現代ビジネスと写真文化を横断して活動中。中身はギャル。
Gregory Crewdson の写真作品や Edward Hopper の絵画作品を鑑賞する中で感じる構図的調和と虚構性による矛盾や違和感に着目しながら、私は写真と向き合う過程で、機械と人間のように相反する二つの軸から生まれる止揚的な価値を自身が追求している事に気づきました。
One of the discoveries I made during my decade-plus immersion in the world of software engineering was that pursuing the structural beauty of source code does not necessarily lead to high availability. This means that my highly subjective and human criteria for beauty can have an impact that is different from the mission of the product. On the other hand, there are cases where neural networks that reproduce human neuronal models, like deep learning, contribute to technological advancements, making the relationship between being human and being mechanical one of my strong interests.
The reason I choose photography in my creative work is none other than the coexistence of machines and human directives in the creative process. Even the works born from my own free will, natural objects in front of me are converted from light to code by machines, and what I intend and what I do not intend are equally projected, inevitably giving rise to the interaction between machines and humans.
While appreciating the photographic works of Gregory Crewdson and the paintings of Edward Hopper, focusing on the compositional harmony and contradictions and discomfort caused by fictionality, I realized that in the process of facing photography, I am pursuing a sublimatory value born from two opposing axes like machines and humans.
My theme is the discomfort and harmony that can be reached through the interaction of two opposing things, such as technology and art, reason and emotion, discipline and contradiction, fiction and reality, planning and coincidence, and machines and humans.
Photography is also an expressive activity through technology. However, technology exists within mechanical rules and is different from our emotions and thoughts.
What I pursue is the act of revealing the “human condition” through the interaction of humans and machines. In it lies the coexistence of humans and machines, and my own egoism.